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Alchemy of Love

Finding Love, Harmony and Happiness

By Michael Samways

Rating: / 5 | Language: en


The ultimate is to have love and find happiness. All aspects of love, from biochemistry to Buddhism, from passion to peacefulness, and from yang to yin, converge on happiness. Your spiritual journey to love and happiness involves first overcoming traumas and disillusionment. Your journey becomes lovely through alignment with your immutable inner being and its beauty. Love then begins to radiate from you and to you through natural law. This blooming of love is alchemical, where the dark tyranny of your ego is outshone by the illuminated world of beauty and love. Finding true romance involves understanding our deep emotions and biology, while being aware of higher consciousness. This leads to happiness through enthusiasm and joy. This book shows you how to discover love, harmony and happiness following ancient paths combined with a modern knowledge of how we feel relative to our greater awareness and functioning of the cosmos. ,

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